Climate Change and Health
The world is in a state of climate emergency, with countries in the global south experiencing the brunt of adverse climate change impacts which range from severe heat waves to cyclones and droughts. These events are exacerbating existing health and social inequities, particularly among vulnerable and low-income groups.
Managing this public health crisis requires decision-making that goes beyond health systems to include key aspects of survival and societal functioning, such as food security and social support to vulnerable groups. However, making informed decisions in public health crises can be extremely challenging without accurate data and evidence.
Our team is currently working on transforming timely evidence-based decision-making using citizen-driven digital health data. In collaboration with the Digital Epidemiology and Population Health (DEPtH) Lab at Western University and global partners, CHANGE Research Lab is developing a digital platform to identify and address local climate change impacts on health (objectively and subjectively via citizen perceptions). Stay tuned for more updates!